Penny Ward, Supporting Teaching and Learning

Supporting learning in the classroom

What does Penny think?

If you're considering a Part-Time course but not sure if it's for you, read Penny's story to hear her experience.

Penny Ward, age 35

Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Penny Ward, Supporting Teaching and Learning in the Classroom“When I started volunteering at my children’s school, I realised that I could see a career working with young people, so when an opportunity came up to apply for a teaching assistant position, I jumped at the chance. This excitement was short lived however as I was unsuccessful because I didn’t have the right qualifications. The very next day I enrolled at Bournemouth & Poole College. It was a bit strange at first, one minute I was just a mum with four kids and the next I was a student again.

I left school at 16 and I didn’t know what I wanted to do. College feels very different to school; you are all in the same boat and you are all there to learn.

It's given me so much confidence; I have gone from strength to strength

I am finding the course really interesting. I get lots of support, guidance and reassurance. I even got offered a job while on the course! It’s given me so much confidence and I have gone from strength to strength.

My advice to anyone thinking of going back to college is stop thinking and do it. I’ve gained so much from it. Once you take the initial leap the rest is a doddle.”